5 New Books on Regeneration and Wellness that Prove a Healthier and More Sustainable World Is Possible

We’re living at a critical time for the health of ourselves and our environment. While climate change proves to be one of—if not the—most crucial issue, we’re also experiencing record-breaking instances of illness and disease. But just when it might feel all too much, we hear from experts in the fields of environmentalism, functional medicine, and science who prove to us that it’s not. We can fight back toward better health and a more regenerative future, and these five new brilliant books show us how. They are some of the most informative hopeful reads we’ve come across this year.  

A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet & Disease.
Most of us are walking around inflamed and it’s a chronic issue that concerns Shilpa Ravella, MD, a gastroenterologist. She believes that low-level inflammation is tied to most of our modern-day ailments, from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to auto-immune conditions and certain neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. Dr. Ravella discusses why inflammation threatens our well-being in her new book, A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet & Disease. Backed by rigorous research, this book is a roadmap to understanding how low-level inflammation happens and the lifestyle and diet changes we can all make to keep inflammation in check. 

Regenesis: Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet
We’ve discussed regenerative farming—an agricultural method that aims to honor the earth and rebuild soil and biodiversity while growing and cultivating foods—at great length. That’s because it is one of the most critical ways to save our planet and health, as conventional farming is one of the most destructive and depleting practices today. British environmental writer Georg Monbiot covers this truth in great depth in his vast book, Regenesis: Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet. By incorporating wisdom from farmers and experts who are revolutionizing our understanding of fertility, Monbiot has written an insightful guide for creating a truly sustainable way to live—and it’s a must for every one of us to read. 

How We Eat: The Brave New World of Food and Drink
Food touches every part of our lives, from our culture to our politics to our health. Paco Underhill, an author and expert in consumer habits, looks at the intersection of how our food defines how we live (and vice versa) in his new book, How We Eat. Underhill explores new food technology, advances in urban farming, the marketing of vast supermarkets, and more. This book offers a new way of thinking about not only the nutrients of food but the business practices that fuel our current food industry and the changes that will make it more inclusive, sustainable, and just. 

Better Broths and Healing Tonics: 75 Bone Broth and Vegetarian Broth-Based Recipes for Everyone
Functional medical practitioner Dr. Kara Fitzgerald and certified nutritionist Jill Sheppard Davenport offer this comprehensive guide and cookbook anchored in the healing properties of bone and vegetarian broths. The two specialists share a similar viewpoint with us: Broths are more than a means to making soups. They provide a nutritious foundational base for flavorful meals. This book reads like a conversational tutorial on how to increase your nutrient density. 

Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society, and the Economy 
“We are navigating extraordinary global crises that could result in either the collapse or the thriving of nature, society, and the economy,” writes Wayne Visser, an author and Cambridge University professor. Visser is choosing the latter, and he’s proving how we can all be a part of this in his new book aptly named, Thriving. He posits that every aspect of life is regenerative. When we focus on this and remain both hopeful and proactive, we can shift our way of living and the state of the planet to one that is truly sustainable and healthy. With actionable and accessible tips for individuals and businesses, this book is a roadmap to a bright future.