Bookmarked: 5 Recent ‘Wellness’ Articles Worth Noting

We’ll read thought-provoking wellness wisdom anywhere our eyes land on it: in a magazine, on a favorite website, via a new study. But what constitutes “thought-provoking” likely differs for each of us. At PrimaFoodie, we seek wellness reporting through an inclusive lens: features that consider the truth that feeling good and living well must be accessible to everyone. Plus, wellness comes in many shapes and sizes. Even the act of keeping a streamlined kitchen, as this brilliant Remodelista feature below outlines, can be an act of self-care in and of itself.

‘How to Recycle’ via Doré

This headline may come across as reductive—but in truth, it’s anything but. The chain of recycling is complicated. The guidelines for what can and cannot be recycled vary widely between cities, states, and countries. This lack of clarity can push many to throw up their hands, but Tyler Simmons, the zero-waste coordinator for EcoAction, says it’s important to not give up. As he expresses in this interview, what we need as consumers is more clarity and the gumption to hold the large corporations responsible for the plastic they pump out.

‘Tending to Your Plants Is Really Tending to Yourself’ via Well + Good

Whether you have a massive kitchen garden or a lone houseplant, having some form of greenery in your living space offers a chance to foster a stronger relationship with yourself and the natural world. In this article and accompanying podcast, regenerative gardener Emily Murphy, plant doctor Maryah Greene, and licensed therapist Anita Yokota speak to the body, mind, and soul benefits that come from tending to plants.  As Yokota says, “research has shown that we are drawn to the color green because it's refreshing...and it de-stresses us.”

Confused about Chemical Safety?’ via The Credo Blog

It seems the word ‘chemical’ has gotten a bad reputation. We aim to avoid chemicals in our food, our skincare, and our household products. But when we take a pause to consider, everything—literally everything—is made of chemicals. It’s just that some are hazardous to our health. What we need to do is consistently educate ourselves on how to keep our radars sharp on which chemicals to avoid. This quick primer is a good place to start for personal care items.

The Healing Power of Play’ via The Good Trade

Remember recess? That chunk of time dedicated to free play somehow gets totally overlooked once we hit a certain age. This is unfortunate. Researchers tout the benefits of play, which can be any form of healthy, creative, self-indulgent folly, as being wider reaching that we may realize. As this writer sees, play can be discovered in overlooked places—and it may be a tool for the healing we need.

5 Clever Efficient Ideas from a Cookbook Author’s Home Kitchen’ via Remodelista

Your home should rise to meet you. And your kitchen? It must bend over backwards, at least in our minds. As Nichole has long said about keeping a clean pantry and tidy fridge, streamlining your cooking space isn’t solely about aesthetics. It’s a critical ingredient for keeping you inspired and calm so you continue to cook healthfully. This peek into cookbook author Amy Thielsen’s kitchen is fodder for creating an efficient and inviting space that works for you.