What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening to this September

We love integrating new ideas and practices into our everyday lives—ultimately so we continue to feel inspired and healthy. So much of our discovery starts with an insightful article, compelling documentary, or heartfelt podcast. To that end, here’s what we’ve been reading, watching, and listening to as of late. 

These lessons are a cue to always be discerning and keep learning. Got something to recommend? Send us a DM

What We’re Watching

“There is a real-life horse whisperer and his name is Buck Brannaman. This insightful and sensitive documentary tells the story of Brannaman, a revered horse trainer, and how he overcame trauma to become one of the most compassionate and leading people in his field. You don’t have to love horses to appreciate this story but learning about Brannanman’s approach will make you a better human being.” —Nichole

What We’re Listening To

 The Dhru Purohit Podcast: “How to Build Muscle and Live Longer”
“Muscle is the organ of longevity.” These words by Gabrielle Lyon, DO, are critical in how we view obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more. In this interview, Dr. Lyon argues we are “under-muscled,” which leads to a host of health problems. This podcast (which you can also watch on Youtube) offers an entirely new way to look at some of the most widespread health issues today. This is another gem of a conversation hosted by Dhru Purohit” —Nichole

What We’re Reading

 The Brockovich Report
“For several years, water has been at the forefront of my mind. How clean is my tap water? Will there be enough clean, drinkable water for us all in 10 years? Just how old is our municipal water infrastructure? This is just a sampling of the questions I obsess over. More recently, after having the honor to chat with Erin Brockovich, I’ve become even more obsessed with this critical topic. Brockovich unpacks what we need to know about our water—from policy updates to corrupt oversight—in her newsletter, The Brockovich Report. It’s a scary must-read.” —Stacey

The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. 
“This platform offers wisdom for everyday life. It helps me become more level-headed, consistent, and effective, while it also pushes me to live in alignment with my values.” —Nichole

“Why Is Corn Syrup in So Many American Infant Formulas?” from The Undark
“Research shows that about half of all baby formulas produced for the US market contain… corn syrup. That’s right. Corn syrup. The EU does not allow corn syrup in its formulas. This article unpacks why so many formulas contain this cheap and fast sugar ingredient—and what we need to know about its impact on babies’ health.” —Stacey  

Best Snack Bars for Better Blood Sugar by Levels Health
“Levels is always publishing thorough and needed information on health, blood sugar, and longevity. This piece unpacks snack bars, from what we should avoid to the ingredients to look for.” —Nichole