Why You Need an Insect Repellent—Plus 6 PrimaFoodie-Approved Bug Sprays

Protecting ourselves against insect bites is not an easy feat. Bugs are small. They annoyingly fly into small spaces and crawl between clothing layers. Taking precautions such as wearing protective clothing layers, particularly in high-density brush areas, is important. 

The same goes for spritzing bug sprays to amplify protection. But many common repellents contain potentially toxic and irritating chemicals, such as preservatives and fragrance. We’ve scoured the shelves to find the cleanest options out there. Here are our top picks for botanical DEET-free bug repellents void of any harmful additives. (And if you’re curious to learn more about DEET, read on.)

What Is Bug Spray Important?

First, let’s talk about why we need protection. The issue with bugs is the harm their bites can cause. Itching, swelling, and inflammation are three common responses to a mosquito or spider bite. Illness is another issue—and one that’s serious. The CDC states that in North America, residents are at risk of numerous “vector-borne” diseases. including Lyme, dengue fever, West Nile, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more. For this reason, taking precautions to avoid getting bitten or stung means reducing the risk of contracting a disease.

Why Is DEET Avoided?

DEET, diethyltoluamide, is a colorless oily substance that has been proven effective in warding off bugs. Yet this ingredient is controversial. Some experts suggest applying a solution with a low concentration of DEET, particularly when traveling to areas that are at high risk for disease-infesting bug bites. The Environmental Working Group states that a solution that contains DEET at a maximum of 20 percent (10 percent for children) is safe. EWG also states the ingredients Picaridin and IR3535 to “have low safety concerns and offer a high level of protection from a variety of biting insects and ticks.” 

We do not include DEET-containing repellents in this guide. Why? This ingredient is notorious for causing rashes and other side effects. Simply put: We avoid it—but we still take bug-bite precautions seriously. Choosing a bug repellent is personal. There isn’t one solution that is 100 percent effective for preventing disease-disseminating bug bites. That’s why it’s always important to consider where you’re going and your health concerns and needs.

What Natural Bug Sprays Are Best?

The following are PrimaFoodie-Approved solutions that contain only botanical ingredients and no added fillers, colors, or toxic preservatives. Again, we can’t guarantee that these will ward off all pests, but we’ve found these coupled with ample protective clothing and other precautions to work well.

Primally Pure Bug Spray
This spray contains citronella, a star natural ingredient that bugs loathe, with the added repellant benefits of rosemary and peppermint.

Erin’s Faces Deet-Free Mosquito & Tick Repellent
Citronella pairs with essential oils of geranium and lemongrass in this totally clean spray made by a small-batch, woman-founded company.

Good Flower Farm Into the Woods Bugspray
Another small-batch woman-founded option. We love how the essence of lavender gently reduces the intensity of the citronella.

Kinfield Golden Hour Deet-Free Repellent
A PrimaFavorite. A unique strain of Indonesian citronella, which this company says is more effective than other common citronella strains, complements the clove, citronella, and vanilla. 

Jao Patio Oil
A clean, uber-moisturizing oil that works as a moisturizer and natural repellant. The natural blends lends a mild lemony scent to skin.

Badger Balm Anti-Bug Shake & Spray
Lemongrass and citronella are the star ingredients in this New England-made clean spray.