The PrimaFoodie Podcast Season 2

The PrimaFoodie Podcast is back. We are so excited to share life-changing wisdom about our health and what we eat (and undoubtedly infuriate the giant corporate food companies along the way). 

This season, Nichole goes deep with more of the world's brightest advocates for clean eating and holistic wellness. They move past the trends and hype to get to the good stuff: the real foods, practices, and truths that have the most beneficial impact on our well-being. Nichole speaks with an iconoclastic researcher who travels the world to ask healers from varied cultures about how they stay vibrant. She asks a leading gastroenterologist about the 'silent fire' that drives widespread disease and illness. She talks with a farmer growing heirloom food about the beauty, joy, and nutrition found in thoughtfully grown ancient foods. And this is just a sampling. 

These talks are riveting and educational—but they're so much more. Opening up and discussing how and what we eat, along with the ways we care for our minds and bodies, is the most important thing we can do. Owning our autonomy in the face of an unjust food system and corrupt food corporations and lobbyists is how we democratize wellness. Research from early this year shows that people still lack access to fresh foods—and this is 2023! Some of the boundaries are financial; others are educational. One survey shows only 25 percent of people read food labels before making an in-person purchase. More than 21 percent say they cut back on buying healthier foods. 

This all needs to change. At PrimaFoodie, our dream is for 100 percent of people to have immediate access to pure, healthy food and the desire to parse every ingredient before they buy something. 

We're working to make wellness synonymous with equality and equity, starting with making healthy, delicious, clean eating accessible—because feeling good comes from the inside out. What we put in and on our bodies has the most profound impact on how we move through this life. 

Let's keep fighting for the good stuff. Thanks for being on this trek with us.