10-Minute Bliss, an Eye-Opening Documentary, and More PrimaFavorites

We’re always looking to inspiring brands, services, projects, and changemakers that make life more beautiful. Here’s a look at what’s educating and intriguing us this fall.

(And if you love what you find here, be sure to check out all of our PrimaFavorites—and more!—in the newly opened PrimaShop.)

PrimaFavorites Autumn 2021 Edition

Green Chef

“I recently subscribed to a weekly meal-kit home delivery. As someone new to home cooking, I find the recipes easy to follow, especially because some items are already proportioned. This makes cooking less intimidating and decidedly more enjoyable for a beginner like me.” —Emila Akrapovic, Associate Marketing Project Manager

Balmuda Toaster

“A game-changer. This toaster uses steam technology to create the perfect flavor, texture, and aroma for every type of bread. The science is in the use of steam, which heats more rapidly than air and locks in the bread’s inner moisture, leaving the surface toasted to a golden brown finish with a moist inside. It has five specific modes to cater to whatever you are toasting or baking. The result is breads and pastries that smell, taste, and feel like they’re fresh out of the oven.” —Nichole Perkins, Founder and CEO

Wilding Gua Sha

“Lately, I’ve really been into Gua Sha, a traditional Chinese beauty technique. I use the Wilding Empress stone to give myself a 10-minute mini facial. It boosts circulation, helps with lymphatic drainage, and even de-puffs swollen eyes. It’s a wonderful way to slow down and sneak in some relaxation and self-care time.” —Adrienne Levy, Creative Director

‘The Next Thing You Eat’ on HULU"

“In this brilliant documentary series, David Chang, the lauded chef and revolutionary behind the Momofuku restaurant group, is looking ahead at what our experience with our food, as well as the means of how it’s made, will be like in the future. In the first episode, Chang explores how our food gets into our homes, be it by automated robots in Hollywood or via dabbawala, a cyclist-run delivery service in India. He takes a close look at automation and the role machines—both large and small—will have on our food system at large. This is merely the surface of what Chang explores and I can’t wait to see what else he reveals. I’m grateful for how both fascinated and uncomfortable I felt watching this. Chang is asking the questions about our global corporate food system that need to be asked.” —Stacey Lindsay, Editorial Director 

Radical Candor by Kim Scott

“This book is a must-read read for all CEOs, execs, and bosses—women and men alike. Kim Scott covers personal relationships, gender, politics, and much more. Her message—to care deeply and challenge directly—is so relevant.” —Nichole Perkins

P.F. Candle Co.

“I love P.F. Candle Co.’s candles, especially their Los Angeles scent which is not too overpowering. Their candles are 100 percent soy wax based, paraben-free, and phthalate-free—and I love how they also donate a portion of their profits to charities.” —Emila Akrapovic

10-Inch Dutch Oven

“This is a true one-pot pot. Right now I’m making vegetable noodle soup in it: Sear your meat, sauté your vegetables, pour the bone broth over it. Bon appétit.” —Nichole Perkins

Faherty Paloma Duster

“I use this sweater as a lounge robe around the house and with a simple jeans and t-shirt around town.  It is so warm and cozy. Although I live in LA, it has a very Aspen vibe to it, which makes me feel like I’m in the mountains.” —Adrienne Levy

Levels Blood Glucose Monitor

“The most interesting things I’m learning from this monitor are: How many different foods cause a blood sugar spike for me. (And wow, portion size really does matter!) What stress does to blood sugar. And the impact of movement, like walking after carb-heavy meals, cannot be underestimated.” —Nichole Perkins