Here’s Why a CSA Can Change Your Kitchen Game

The main appeal of a CSA box delivery is straightforward: Each week, a bounty of fruits and vegetables (and often meats and eggs) arrives at your door. They’re fresh. They’re local. They’re in season. What’s not to love?

But take a closer look, and the benefits of joining a CSA—which stands for Community Supported Agriculture—greatly exceed mere convenience. This box of goods cultivated by a local farm provides another way to support conscious small producers and ensure the freshest produce lands in your kitchen. Simply put, it can be a game-changer.  

The 5 Upsides to a CSA Box

#1: Local Farmer Support

We think of a CSA as the delivered version of the farmers’ market. The fruits and veggies that land here are local and  from smaller farmers within your region. This proximity eradicates the middle players, which means the profits go into the farmers’ pockets. Signing up for a CSA box will open up your knowledge of local farms in your area.

#2: Fresh and Seasonal Produce

A CSA’s fruits and vegetables come from local farmers, not from across state or nation lines.  This means everything in terms of freshness because the produce is plucked at peak ripeness, not weeks prior to make up for long ship and grocery store display times. It also ensures the bounty you get is always in-season.

#3: Endless Surprises and Discoveries

The seasonality of a CSA box is like an evolving game of guess-the-vegetable. Aside from the consistent produce stalwarts, like squashes in fall and stone fruits in summer, you never totally know what you’re going to get each week—which is part of the fun. This mystery is also a way to discover heirloom varieties and relatively unknown and obscure produce that rarely (if ever) makes it to the grocery store shelves. (Note: Some farmers are getting more active on Instagram, thus updating their CSA box devotees on what produce to expect that week.)

#4: Meal-Time Inspiration

We admit: The unknown aspect may be a bit daunting, particularly if you don’t know how to cook a certain vegetable. But rather than thinking that you must create an entire meal out of a rutabaga, think more in terms of additions and swaps. A few PrimaFoodie favorite for unique veggies includes: making fresh “noodles” from celeriac root to pair with your favorite sauce; lightly steaming kohlrabi and topping with ghee and sea salt to go with a main protein; and adding any starchy vegetable to a purée to top a turkey leg. (If you’re seeking more ideas, send us a note on Instagram!)

Getting Started

Every farm operates its CSA program uniquely, meaning the offerings, schedule, costs, and delivery methods will vary. To ensure you find a CSA box that fits what you’re looking for, consider the following

  • Do some sleuthing—this can mean asking friends or inquiring with farmers at the farmers’ market—to catch wind of available and respected CSA box delivery options near you. is an excellent online directory for finding nearby CSA farmers. Simply input your zip code to their directory to find local options near you.

  • Inquire—just like you’re at the farmers’ market. Before opting into a CSA delivery, make sure the farm is aligned with your values. Don’t be shy about calling, emailing, or sending a message via social media to ask about their farming methods and how they treat their animals. Some farms also let you opt in for one box before committing to something regular.